Thursday, 2 January 2014

Graphics Practice

For our graphics in the trailer when we showcase the actors, we were planning to create something similar to the Like Crazy graphics which use light and colour. At school we tried to replicate this through the programme Motion, but after playing around with it for a while, we found it difficult to create exactly what we wanted.

Over the holidays we began to think more about other ways we could create the graphics. After playing around on the camera for a bit we noticed we could focus and zoom in on lights really closely and by moving the camera around, we could create a similar effect to that in Like Crazy. Since we haven't had access to FinalCut Pro at home, we tested out our shots on iMovie so we knew exactly what we could create on the real programme at school.

iMovie is a very simple programme, automatically installed in Macs and offers little editing abilities in comparison to FinalCut Pro. However, it allowed us to have an idea of what it may look like to use them with titles.

Although the quality was not as good, we were actually surprised with how well we could make it look like what we wanted on iMovie. So that we can remember what we did, these are the steps that we went through, so that we can replicate this to a better quality on FinalCut Pro:

  • Slow the speed of the footage to 50% so that it doesn't look so manic, also allowing us to have more footage to work with.
  • Font was 'Gill Sans - Light' 
  • Title effect was zoom which really worked as it moved with the background
  • Timings of footage we used:
'There is no life worth living' + 'George Edwards' - 26-29s
'if without' - 33-34s
'the one you love' - 35s on
'From Willa Marston' - 12-14s
'Thea Hope' - 23-25s


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